Alternate Lark’s Head Knot
This one may look harder than it is. Once you get going it is pretty easy and fun. Just think over, under, over OR under, over, under. You can start on the left or right. Begin with the cord closest to the center holding cords, and work over, under and over as shown.

You will want to tighten that up, but for now I will show you the next half of the knot which goes under, over, under.

Here is what it looks like cinched up:

Repeat on other side with cord closest to the holding cords. Work over, under, over and draw it up tight, then work under, over, under.

Here is the second knot finished:

Alternate sides. I worked with the outermost pink cord, then the outermost green cord. Here is a chain of Alternating Lark’s Head knots.

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